Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Day of School

The kids had a great first day of school. Abby is now in first grade. She is starting to like it more and more everyday. She has some little friends there also. She did not like it at first, because Jacob is in Pre-k and he gets to spend half of the day either with me or my mom since I am working at the doctor's office that I used to work for, before we moved to Virginia. I am only working part time until he hires someone full time. With Mike gone and me trying to work and two kids it is just crazy around here. I told Abby that I did not get to do anything fun while she was at school just work or clean house. I told her that I saved all the fun stuff for when she gets home and she thinks that is ok.

Jacob on the other hand told me that there is no reason for him to go to school, because he is not learning anything. All they get to do is play and color and he can do that at home.

Abby on her first day of school. There school make them have clear back packs so this is the one from last year. There was no reason to buy a new one when this one will work fine. Jacob on his first day of school.

Abby and Jacob together on the first day of school.

Abby in front of her school.

Jacob in front of his school. I had to walk him in that day and when we pulled up he was already unbuckled and ready to get out and start his day.