Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Playing in the water

This past Sunday the kids wanted to go outside and play. Jacob got a cars water sprinkler for his birthday so we let them run around the yard and play. They had a great time running and playing. While they were playing Jacob went around to the back yard and got his wagon. Mike put some water in it. Abby would sit in the wagon and Jacob would pull her around the yard it was so funny, because Mike would spray them with the other hose. Jacob does not like water in his face at all. He would scream every time and run away.

Abby smiling for the camera. Abby trying to jump over the sprinkler.
Jacob pulling Abby in the wagon.
Jacob and Abby acting silly, before Mike sprayed them.


Mama to little lions said...

We have the same princess bathing suit here!! Seems to be very popular with the 5 year old girl crowd :-)

Colin & Lori said...

Congratulations on graduation and internship. How is OK? I can't belive how grown up the kids are but how long has it been? I was excited to see your post on our blog. Looks like things are going well for your family.