Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On our way

Well we are on our way to Virginia. We left about 6:30 am so we could go to Saint Anthony for Mike to do a test for employment. We left there around 7:30 and drove all day. When we stoped to eat dinner we saw a race trail. Jacob had to go see it and have his picture taken with the trail. We had to walk around the trail and see if the car would come out like Lighting McQueen. We also met the driver of the truck. He thought his name was Mack, from the movie, because everyone that drives a racing truck has to be Mack. The driver told him the car was asleep and could not be woken up. Thank you to the driver, because we would have been there all night. We stoped in Knoxville only 4 hours from the school. Jacob infront of the car trailer.